Reminder: The Tuesday, October 8th, Board of Education meeting begins at 6:30 pm in the LGI. (This is a slight change from the typical 6 pm start time to accommodate professional development and was scheduled as such in July.)
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
This week's recipient of the High School Golden Eagle Award is Anakin York-Miller! Anakin always comes to class with a positive attitude and remains focused throughout the lesson. He always takes the time to say hello in the halls and is respectful at all times. He is a very kind student and is helpful to others. He is a pleasure to have in class and makes Wayland-Cohocton a better place. Wayland-Cohocton High School recognizes students for exhibiting characteristics such as empathy, kindness, perseverance, leadership and for the exhibiting characteristics of being a model student. Each week the High School will share the outstanding efforts of a student or students who demonstrate these attributes.
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Mr. Toland and Anakin York-Miller
Wayland-Cohocton families are reminded that Wednesday, October 2nd is an early dismissal day for all students. Dismissal times can be found on the instructional calendar or the District Calendar mailed home to families. Thank you.
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
GO EAGLES! (All activities subject to change. Check the WCCS Athletic Calendar for up-to-date changes.) We hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Home Contests
This is High School Spirit Week! Join in the fun !
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
HS Spirit Week Schedule
This is Middle School Spirit Week! Join in the fun!
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
MS Spirit Week Schedule
As we move into the cold and flu season, here is some helpful information from the New York State Department of Health.
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Flu Season Info - English
Flu Season Info - Spanish
Parents - Haven't signed up for Rooms yet? Here are some helpful hints to get you started. Rooms is a great way to keep up with teachers, extra-curricular activities, coaches and school events, all from the convenience of the WCCS App.
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Rooms Hints
Rooms Hints
The Wayland-Cohocton Board of Education has scheduled a special meeting on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 in the Large Group Instruction room at 6 pm. The Board of Education will hear from architects and designers regarding a possible capital improvement project to be considered for the future. The meeting is open to the public and will follow typical meeting procedures. No action will be taken during the Board meeting.
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Wayland-Cohocton High School is once again recognizing students for exhibiting characteristics such as empathy, kindness, perseverance, leadership and for the exhibiting characteristics of being a model student. Each week the High School will share the outstanding efforts of a student or students who demonstrate these attributes. This week’s recipient of the High School Golden Eagle Award is Aiden Schafer! Aiden stepped up to be a Mentor this year. He is a quiet leader but his presence and kindness is an example for the ninth graders. Miss Fancett has had a challenging 12th period class and Aiden was more than willing to visit the group. His presence alone helped the overall atmosphere and behavior of the students. Aiden also is a football player and is a leader by example for his teammates and JV players. Aiden is always respectful and helpful.
4 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Mr. Hurley and Aiden Schafer
Are you working on setting up your Wayland-Cohocton Rooms this weekend? Here are some helpful diagrams to get your family up and running.
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Parent-Teacher Chat
Parent Text directions
Parent Email Invitation Directions
flow chart
Wayland-Cohocton Central School is seeking career presenters for the 2024-2025 school year. Each school building offers students a monthly opportunity to hear from individuals in a range of different career paths to inform and educate about the world of work! We also host exciting career day opportunities that offer a more hands on, interactive presentation to students. These activities are intended to ignite a spark and show students how their interests and strengths can lead to future careers! If you are interested in participating as a career presenter at Wayland Cohocton, please contact Jen Billotte, Coordinator of School Counseling at 585-728-2214 or via email at
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
career presenter
Great tips for transition back to school from Care Solace - remember, all district families can access Care Solace services from the school's website (upper right corner of the website from your computer) or the top of the website from your smartphone.
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Back To School Transition Tips
Back To School Transition Tips
Back To School Transition Tips
Back To School Transition Tips
Back To School Transition Tips
WCCS Elementary Families: This afternoon, your child's teacher will be sending home some homework for you! It is an emergency contact information sheet. It contains phone numbers/emails/addresses of parents/guardians and emergency contacts you provided when you enrolled your child. Please check this information to make sure it is current and up-to-date and return to school as soon as you can. Please note: Some teachers have already sent this information home prior to this message and you may have already received this document. If so, we appreciate your completing this important task.
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
RECESS! The mild fall temps are perfect for outdoor recess time. For WC Eaglets in the elementary school, playtime uses some extra energy, increases concentration, allows for free play and socializing and clears the brain. Students have an opportunity to build friendships and breathe the fresh outdoor air. Under the watchful eye of their teachers, this play becomes as much a part of their learning day as their classroom activities.
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness. Remember, that families can access the Care Solace service at any time to get help finding services. The link is located at the top right corner of the schools website if you are looking from a browser or at the very time of the website from your smartphone. If you have immediate emergency concerns, please call 911 or use the Safe Schools hotline located in the same place on the school’s website and also on the school’s App.
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Suicide Prevention flier
Good Afternoon: Wednesday afternoon buses from Wayland-Cohocton will be a little late this afternoon. Please be patient as we get everyone safely boarded onto their buses. Thank you.
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
Today is the day!!! Welcome Back! We are so excited to have our Eagles and Eaglets back to school! We can’t wait to see you all this morning!
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
1 day to go for students but today we welcome back our instructional faculty and staff! It is so exciting to see our educational partners back on campus. Remember, tonight there are Open Houses and the Welcome Back Fair! PreK and Elementary Open Houses are from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Middle and High School Open Houses are from 5 to 7 pm.
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School
2 days to go! Happy Labor Day! Do you know the roots of Labor Day? Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.
5 months ago, Wayland-Cohocton Central School