Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony
With Pomp and Circumstance, the Wayland-Cohocton Class of 2023 entered the Field House on Sunday, June 25th for graduation ceremonies. Superintendent Eileen Feinman opened the celebration for families and friends followed by the performance of the National Anthem by members of the High School Chorus, directed by Joan York. High School Principal Jason Oliver welcomed guests and spoke briefly to the senior class. Valedictorian Lila Wolfanger and Salutatorian Titan Rocha were introduced and presented with plaques for their incredible academic accomplishments. The Chorus returned to the stage to perform the upbeat We’re All in This Together. Mr. Oliver introduced students for a number of accomplishments including earning Career and Technical Endorsements and the Seal of Biliteracy. He also recognized students for membership in the National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society, Students serving as freshmen mentors and class officers were also acknowledged as well as students entering military service. Mr. Oliver asked members of the audience who had served in the military to stand for applause as well.
Lila Wolfanger gave the valedictorian address. Titan Rocha and Ariana Obrochta addressed their peers as the faculty and student-selected speakers, respectively. The band was joined by seniors class members for the performance of a Cold Play medley arranged by Director Tom Ronan. Four foreign exchange students, Sacha Giroux, Vinicius D. P. Guedes, Luisa Kunka and Haizea Zabala Moreno were presented United States flags as gifts. Marissa Abbott and Greg Reilly were presented with the 2023 Robert J. Cownie Spirit of the Golden Eagle Award.
Diplomas were presented to the Class of 2023 members by Board of Education President Rich Rizzieri, Eileen Feinman, Jason Oliver and Bob Toland. Mr. Oliver announced that the seniors had met their requirements for graduation and in a celebratory moment, the class tossed their mortar boards into the air. The band performed The Top Gun Anthem as the class recessed from the Field House.
Members of the graduating Class of 2023 include:
Marissa L. Abbott (***s), Alan M. Ake (cc), Kendall Nicole Allen (***), Savannah G. Allen (*), Kloe C. Azzi (***ms), Lane W. Babcock (cc), Jaime Khristine Baker (**cc), Nickolas John-Joseph Belanger (**), Isabella Rose Belmonte, Trinity Lynn Bendzus (cc), Victoria K. Bevis, Matthew Blaker, Destinee Elizabeth Blood-Pattison (cc), Ivan Carter Bowers, Damien Robert Brooker (cc), Kadyn D. Brown (**ms), Samantha N. Brown (***s), Ethan James Buchanan (cc), Peter Robinson Carr, Makayla Nicole Champaign (***ms), Payton A. Chizuk (cc), Peter A. Cicero Jr. (**s), Teresa L. Cicora (**), Dustin Scott Clark (**), Skye R. Cody (***), Jaiden L. Coombs (cc), Charidi R. Davis (***cc), Christian Michael Delaney (**cc), Evan T. Earle Jr. (cc), Ethan P. Emigh (**scc), Emily Grace Feely (**cc), Logan P. Flanagan, Michael W. Gammell (***ms), Sacha Giroux (+), Trinity Noel Giuliano (cc), Evan M. Gotshall (**scc), Vinicius D. P. Guedes (+), Aidan S. Hoover (**), Andrew J. Kesel (**), Gage Anthony Kubitz (**), Luisa Kunka (+), Brooke E. Lander (**), Amaya G. LaPlant (cc), Aoife D. Le Roux (***ms), Aiden A. Ludlow (cc), Dylan J. McDonald (cc), Lyda Ann Laray McDonald (cc), Katherin L. McNair (cc), Cheyanne M. Mehlenbacher (cc), Jett Pierre Meldrum (*), Skyler Ray Miles (cc), Matthew J. Neitz (cc), Vanyo Augustus Nielsen, Ariana Marie Obrochta (***), Phoebe E. Parkison (***), Mackenzie A. Pickard (***), Nathaniel J. Piedmonte (cc), Jacob Austin Pier, Michael V. Pillsbury (cc), Jasmine Skie Prigge (**c), Christopher J. Putalavage (cc), Deven M. Rader (cc), Mercedes Anne Marie Randall (cc), Andrew R. Rawleigh (cc), Gregory J. Reilly (**), Jayden Marie Richardson (**s), Titan J. Rocha (***ms), Abigayle Ruth Rock, Tara M. Sabins (cc), Leo Frank Schledorn Jr. (cc), Nora Rose Schubmehl (***), Zachary J. Seiwell (**), Olivia Rose Singer (cc), Jesse J. Smith (***ms), Wessin L. Snyder (**), Madison Avery Spencer (**), Elizabeth H. Stephens (cc), Kyra E. Sweet (cc), Nataleigh A. Teed (cc), Haley Ann Torrey (cc), Audrey C. Vosburg (**), Devynn W. Watkins (cc), Zeke William Wise (**cc), Lila L. Wolfanger (***ms), Kyle J. Worden (**s), Alec S. Yacono (cc), Shawn E. Young II, Haizea Zabala Moreno (+).
(*) Regents with Honors
(**) Advanced Regents Diploma
(***) Advanced Regents with Honors
(cc) Career Development and Occupational Students Commencement Credential
m - Annotation of Mastery in Math
s - Annotation of Mastery in Science
(+) - foreign exchange student