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As the District works to maintain a safe campus for our students and community, we want to remind everyone to be mindful of the traffic patterns on and around school grounds. Being alert and aware improves safety for our students and community. 

Please respect the 20 mph zone on Route 63 in front of the schools. This improves safety for those individuals crossing the route and for our school buses arriving and departing from campus. Please be aware, particularly as spring begins to arrive, for student foot traffic throughout the community. 

The posted speed zones on our campuses also help to keep everyone safe. Our facilities are busy places and students are often engaged in outdoor activities. Campus signage directs the flow of traffic, particularly at arrival and departure times. 

Please stop at crosswalks in the bus loop, and on the roadways on both campuses.

If you are picking up or dropping off students in the bus loop on the Wayland campus, please drive slowly and be aware of people crossing at the crosswalks. No cars should be in any of the bus loops during arrival and departures. This week you will see new signage in the front bus loop to help slow traffic and to remind people to be aware of people coming and going. If you find yourself caught in the bus loop, please wait patiently until the buses all move forward. Do not go around the buses. 

We appreciate your cooperation in making our campuses safer for our students and the community. 


Wayland-Cohocton Administration and School Safety Team